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Red Rope
Red Rope

Drag magnet push rope in the right direction.

Similar Games>physics

Red Rope

Red Rope is the main character in Red Rope. It is attached to one end, but the other must also be fixed. In this case, it is necessary to pass the rope through all the round objects on the field. The rope can only be controlled with a magnet. It is not by chance that the rope is red, it is magnetized, so our magnet will push it in the right direction. At subsequent levels, the rope becomes longer, there are more objects on the field. It will be more difficult for you to cope with it, the length gets in the way, the rope is trying to get tangled. But you, as always, will cope with the task and will be able to fulfill all the conditions. If you miss at least one connection point, the level will not be counted. Start over and replay it, it's available.

Drag magnet push rope in the right direction.




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